Process Responsibilities

Control chaos by establishing effective procedures.

Responsibility 1

Deliver on time.

1 Run Better Standups | Engineering Leadership


I don't love traditional, by-the-book standup meetings.

2 Software Development Project Planning Tips | Engineering Management


Are you an Engineering Manager who struggles with your dev team's project planning?

3 Too Many Work Meetings? | One Simple Trick to Get Things Done


As a company gets larger and you rise through its ranks, you may find yourself in back-to-back meetings, all day long.

4 How to Fix All Your Meetings | Engineering Management


If you run meetings, listen up and heed this advice.

Responsibility 2

Deliver on budget.

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Responsibility 3

Deliver with quality.

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Responsibility 4

Keep all stakeholders well-informed.

1 #FOCUS | Steal This Team Alignment Practice


If you're part of your organization's leadership team, it can be tough to keep abreast of everything happening within your org.